Profile picture of suboxone doctor Christopher Sendi, M.D.

Christopher Sendi, M.D. - Suboxone Doctor in Alexandria, VA

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Contact Information

Christopher Sendi, M.D.
Nova Addiction Specialists

8101 Hinson Farm Road, Suite 201 Alexandria, VA 22306


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Addiction Treatment Center | 703-844-0184 | Alexandria, Va 22306 | Suboxone | Buprenorphine | Vivitrol | Sublocade | Ketamine Treatment Center for Depression, PTSD, Anxiety | Medical assisted Treatment Center for Alcoholism | IV Vitamin therapy and NAD therapy for detox and mood disorders | Ketamine assisted therapy for detox | CBD Therapy | CBD Treatment Center |CBD Doctor |  703-844-0184 | Alexandria, Va 22306 | Chronic pain treatment | Web based services | Pain management |Medical Weight Loss | Optifast | Nutrimed | Diet medication for weight loss | Suboxone Alexandria | Ketamine Infusion Treatment Center Fairfax, Va 22306 | Call for immediate treatment | We offer evening and weekend appointments as well as web based follow up appointments . Dr. Sendi is Board Certified in Addiction Medicine, Board Certified Obesity Medicine , Board Certified Internal Medicine, Board Certified Emergency Medicine, Board Certified Pain Management. 

In Case of a Heroin or Opiate Overdose in Alexandria, VA

Ingesting a large amount or highly potent dose of an opiate such as heroin, either intentionally or accidentally, can lead to serious consequences, including overdose, coma, and/or death.

If you suspect you or someone else has overdosed, call your local emergency hotline (ex. 911) or a poison control center (1-800-222-1222) immediately.

Signs of an opiate overdose

  • Constipation
  • Nausea and/or vomiting
  • Low blood pressure or weak pulse
  • Lack of responsiveness, even to painful stimuli (such as strongly rapping knuckles across the sternum)
  • Pupils that are constricted or non-reactive to light
  • Blue colored fingernails or lips
  • GI tract spasms
  • Difficult to wake up or extreme sedation
  • Coma
  • Seizures
  • Slow, shallow breathing or no breathing at all